Distributed Bugtracking

Usage Cases

Case 1: Tracking the status of bugs in remote repo branches

See the discussion in #bea86499-824e-4e77-b085-2d581fa9ccab/12c986be-d19a-4b8b-b1b5-68248ff4d331#. Here, it doesn’t matter whether the remote repository is a branch of the local repository, or a completely separate project (e.g. upstream, ...). So long as the remote project provides access via some REPO format, you can use:

$ be --repo REPO ...

to run your query, or:

$ be diff REPO

to see the changes between the local and remote repositories.

Case 2: Importing bugs from other repositories

Case 2.1: If the remote repository is a branch of the local repository:

$ <VCS> merge <REPO>

Case 2.2: If the remote repository is not a branch of the local repository (Hypothetical command):

$ be import <REPO> <ID>


Providing public repositories

e.g. for non-dev users. These are just branches that expose a public interface (HTML, email, ...). Merge and query like any other development branch.

Managing permissions

Many bugtrackers implement some sort of permissions system, and they are certainly required for a central system with diverse user roles. However DVCSs also support the “pull my changes” workflow, where permissions are irrelevant.